Were Demi Moore's Convulsions a Bad Reaction to Smoking Salvia? Doctor Weighs In |

Were Demi Moore's Convulsions a Bad Reaction to Smoking Salvia? Doctor Weighs In

Posted by Martina Birk on Sunday, June 23, 2024

It's quite possible. "Even though we are speculating, it is not unreasonable to believe [the substance Moore's friends say she was smoking in the 911 call] may have been salvia," Dr. Baron, former chief of staff at Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center, said. "It makes perfect sense. Salvia is in the herb family."

In the frantic 911 call released earlier today, the star's friends report that Moore was suffering seizures after smoking something "similar to incense" that was not marijuana. (The call does not mention salvia or say what it was Moore had taken.)

Although salvia is legal in the state of California for adults, Dr. Baron said the substance "acts in the brain as a powerful hallucinogen" and can be "perhaps as powerful as LSD in some people."
