Climbi killer apologises for part in 'sickening' death | Society

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Friday, September 13, 2024

Climbié killer apologises for part in 'sickening' death

Carl Manning, the man convicted of the murder and abuse of Victoria Climbié, yesterday apologised to the eight-year-old's parents for his part in her death.

Manning, 29, who was jailed for life last year along with his partner Marie Therese Kouao, 45, also said that he had no one to blame for the child's death but himself.

Victoria was incarcerated for months in an unlit bathroom at Manning's studio flat in Tottenham, north London, trussed in a plastic sack and subjected to sustained beatings. She and her great aunt had moved in with Manning in July 1999.

Pathologists found 128 separate injuries on her body when she died seven months later in February 2000 despite having ongoing contact with police, social services and doctors.

Giving evidence by videotape at the public inquiry into Victoria's death, Manning said: "I cannot account for my behaviour and my actions, but the least I can do is apologise and say how sorry I am towards the family of Victoria Climbié. It may not mean much to them now but it is regrettable situation and I am very sorry for what happened."

Victoria's parents, Francis and Berthe, watched as the videotape, recorded in advance at Leeds combined court on January 10, was screened on the 55th day of the public inquiry in south London.

Manning, handcuffed to a prison officer, said: "I agree that there are certain things that did happen that could have taken a different line but from my own perspective I cannot hold them personally responsible.

"I shouldn't have let it go on that long. I shouldn't have contributed to such a bad environment and putting someone through such pain and suffering. In terms of holding blame, I cannot blame anybody else except myself for what I have done and how I let the situation get out of hand and how I could have contributed to such a sick situation".

Manning, who is being held at the high security Wakefield prison, also said: "The whole situation is pretty sickening and it is unnecessary and it should not have happened."

His comments and demeanour could not have been more different from those of his girlfriend who appeared at the public inquiry in person earlier this month and spoke without remorse about the events leading up to the death.

Unlike Kouao, who refused to answer questions, shouted and expressed anger at being accused of the crime, Manning maintained a calm and cooperative air throughout the three hour interview.

He told the Lord Laming inquiry that his girlfriend had a fairly strong temper and admitted that he had known that she was beating Victoria before the pair moved in with him. Manning also admitted hitting the child himself on numerous occasions after she moved in.

Victoria was moved to the bathroom because she was soiling herself and making the flat smell. She would sleep in the bath inside a bin bag, he told the inquiry.

Earlier, Anne Bristow, director of social services within Haringey, told the inquiry that the department had failed Victoria and there had been "missed opportunities" during the time that the little girl had been in the council's care.
