
Lowestoft Lings

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Distressingly young single mother makes some achingly bad decisions in keenly-observed social drama. Confirming the clear-eyed storytelling style and deft talent with young thesps on display in his debut feature, "Class Trip," helmer and co-scripter Henner Winckler should see more fest invites, modest regional buys and disc afterlife.

Bernard D Ormale Wikipedia

Bernard D Ormale Wikipedia Bernard dOrmale est n en 1941. Sa mre australienne la mis au monde en Amrique du Sud, o il a pass une bonne partie de son enfance et de son adolescence. Entrepreneur qui a fait ses dbuts en Afrique et qui dtient maintenant des participations dans les industries cinmatographiques et

Film Review: Casa grande

Although it can turn overly didactic, Fellipe Barbosa's strongly acted debut is a well-observed study of a wealthy Brazilian family's breakdown. Precariously balanced social structures maintaining class, race and expectations come crashing down in Casa grande, Fellipe Barbosas well-made feature debut, which dissects a privileged familys struggle to maintain their lifestyle in an affluent Rio

Have No Cellulite in My Legs: Strongman Beast Eddie Hall Pokes Fun at HisFriend Brian Shaw, W

Four-time Worlds Strongest Man Brian Shaw was all set for this years Strongman event to win his 5th and last title. But unfortunately, his plan is now hindered by a severe leg infection that made his participation uncertain. Reportedly, in January, Shaw had to see the doctors and eventually ended up in the hospital for